Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Coplus Finalists for Customer Service Excellence Awards

Great news! Coplus is a finalist at this year’s Customer Service Excellence Awards in the Outstanding Customer Journey category.

Our nomination is based on our customer centric approach to claims management and 2018 reorganisation of our motor legal claims team.

Our new personal claims handling model allows each claims handler to build up a complete picture of the customer’s claim and build a valuable rapport, trust and understanding.

The personal approach means that each of our claims team is assigned their own cases which they manage from start to finish. They see all information pertaining to the case, chase documents and liaise with the customer until the conclusion of the claim.

Of course as a 24/7 business we have also insured continuity of service without the personal claims handler. Our claims management system ensures all information is available whenever needed so there are no delays if that specific claims handler is not available. With the dedicated handler being updated at the next opportunity.

Being shortlisted for this award is fantastic recognition for the commitment of our teams to make this new way of working such a success.

Head of Customer Service at Coplus said “The change has had a big impact on how we operate. I think at first there was some uncertainty from the teams as is natural with a change but following training and time to embed the success is evident.

There is very clear sense of ownership for the customer’s claim which is helped by how easy it is now for the individual team members to see what money is recovered for the customer on each legal claim they handle. We are also seeing the time it takes to settle claims come down significantly which is a really great outcome for our customers.”

Here is a full list of the finalists for the 2019 Customer Service Excellence Awards.
