Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Streamlining the Claims Process
For both consumers and business customers the way we access customer service assistance has expanded extensively from online chat to social media platforms and apps on our phones, watches and televisions.
The insurance world, as we know, is not so quick to change. The complexity of the service we provide and the need for confidentiality and protection of customer information are factors that contribute to a slower adoption of new ideas in claims and policy management.
At Coplus we manage claims for over 2.5 million policyholders so understanding the needs of our customers at this critical time is extremely important to us.
For many people speaking to a claims handler is still imperative, especially so at the start of making a claim. Take Motor FNOL for example, often the person claiming is uncertain of what the process will be, what information they need to provide and what to do about practical concerns like not having a vehicle to drive. Because their needs are very specific to their own circumstances talking it through with an experienced person gives immediate reassurance that what they need is being taken care of.
In Motor FNOL the revolution of technology is more evident ‘behind the scenes’ in the system we use to manage the claim. New technology has enabled us to bespoke the claims process and ensure every variable relating to the customer, their circumstances and the service is captured and controlled. The intelligent decision based work flow ensures that the correct services are easy to deploy regardless of the number of parties involved or any other situation. Additionally integrations between systems also drive efficiency and make sure the customer is reassured by the end of the FNOL call that the services they need are on track.
Of course if a claim is less complicated then customers often opt for ‘online only’. In a gadget claim the loss of a phone is straightforward to report online and once the detail is captured the customer just wants to know how quickly their phone will be replaced.
In either case, for complex and straightforward claims, there are significant improvements to the customer claims journey in new technology, both in the back office and in ongoing communications to resolve the claim.